There are many techniques for splitting a string in T-SQL (in other words, taking a character-delimited string and producing a table of the values), the best of which are encapsulated in Erland Sommarskog’s famous article. My favorite of his string splitting techniques is adapted from a previous example that was created by Anith Sen.
Both of these resources are excellent, but sometimes you just need a little bit more. None of their solutions will split a string larger than 8000 characters in length. So I’ve produced my own modified version. If you’re splitting smaller strings then by all means, use theirs! This is certainly slower, but I do believe it’s the fastest way in SQL Server 2000 to split a very long string. You will require a numbers table, so make sure you have it on hand…
Anyway, the code:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.SplitString ( @List TEXT, @Delimiter CHAR(1) ) RETURNS @ReturnTbl TABLE ( OutParam VARCHAR(20) ) WITH SCHEMABINDING AS BEGIN DECLARE @LeftSplit VARCHAR(7998) DECLARE @SplitStart INT SET @SplitStart = 0 DECLARE @SplitEnd INT SET @SplitEnd = 7997 SELECT @SplitEnd = MAX(Number) FROM dbo.Numbers WHERE ( REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@List, Number, 1), ' ', CHAR(255)) = REPLACE(@Delimiter, ' ', CHAR(255)) OR Number = DATALENGTH(@List) + 1 ) AND Number BETWEEN @SplitStart AND @SplitEnd WHILE @SplitStart < @SplitEnd BEGIN SET @LeftSplit = @Delimiter + SUBSTRING(@List, @SplitStart, @SplitEnd - @SplitStart) + @Delimiter INSERT @ReturnTbl ( OutParam ) SELECT LTRIM ( RTRIM ( SUBSTRING ( @LeftSplit, Number + 1, CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @LeftSplit, Number + 1) - Number - 1 ) ) ) AS Value FROM dbo.Numbers WHERE Number <= LEN(@LeftSplit) - 1 AND REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@LeftSplit, Number, 1), ' ', CHAR(255)) = REPLACE(@Delimiter, ' ', CHAR(255)) AND '' <> SUBSTRING ( @LeftSplit, Number + 1, CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @LeftSplit, Number + 1) - Number - 1 ) SET @SplitStart = @SplitEnd + 1 SET @SplitEnd = @SplitEnd + 7997 SELECT @SplitEnd = MAX(Number) + @SplitStart FROM dbo.Numbers WHERE ( REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@List, Number + @SplitStart, 1), ' ', CHAR(255)) = REPLACE(@Delimiter, ' ', CHAR(255)) OR Number + @SplitStart = DATALENGTH(@List) + 1 ) AND Number BETWEEN 1 AND @SplitEnd - @SplitStart END RETURN END GO
This code does nothing more than chunk up the string, using the delimiter as boundries, into small enough pieces (< 8000 characters) that CHARINDEX can be used on them. Then the same algorithm from Erland’s split string is applied.
Note that this function does not gracefully handle situations such as passing in the wrong delimiter. So please carefully test your code before deploying this!
Using the function is quite simple:
SELECT * FROM dbo.SplitString('something, something else, etc, etc, etc...', ',')
Update, February 15, 2005: Fixed so that only 8000 numbers are needed in the Numbers table for this to work. Previously required as many numbers as were present in the string to be split.
Update, February 23, 2009: Four years since the last update and a new bug is discovered by the insightful Craig Hathaway! Fixed the function so that it now handles space as a delimiter. Thanks, Craig!
Well it says "Using the function is quite simple"
But im having problems (errors) even while tring to create the function…
What error are you seeing? It works fine on this end…
It works fine. but when I use it in a Stored Procedure it gives error:
Incorrect syntax near ‘SplitString’.
Hi Adam this is a great function but I have got string with such as ("hello","sdfsfs",….)
My problem is how can I pass two parremeters such as , and "".
and how can I insert the values into a table
Had to change the last section of the code to get it to work beyond 8,000 characters. Great approach though.
–Start next chunk
SET @SplitStart = @SplitEnd + 1
SET @SplitEnd = @SplitEnd + 7998
IF ( @SplitEnd >= DATALENGTH(@List) )
SET @SplitEnd = DATALENGTH(@List) +1
SELECT @SplitEnd = @SplitStart + MAX(Number)
FROM dbo.Numbers
WHERE (SUBSTRING(@List, Number, 1) = @Delimiter
OR Number = DATALENGTH(@List) + 1
AND Number BETWEEN @SplitStart AND @SplitEnd
Please ignore the previous post – that didn’t fix it. The issue seemed to be with parsing the last number in the last chunk. I added
AND CHARINDEX(‘,’, @LeftSplit, Number + 1) > 0
to the key SELECT statement.
Hi, this function times out when the delimiter is the <space> character – for splitting sentences into words (etc). I suspect thsi has to do with trimming…
FROM dbo.[SplitString]( ‘test one, two, three’,’ ‘)
Hi Craig,
Busy day at the office? Nothing better to do than rip apart my old blog posts? <g>
The function has been fixed… Thanks for reporting this!
Thanks. I notice Erland has a new version, & it will split nvarchar(max), i.e. more than 8000 chars: (long article but search for "Chunking Multi-Statement Function")
(& btw, isn’t text type deprecated now.)
(haven’t tested both yet.)
I altered Erland’s function to include wordposition and separator position (maybe in a highly inefficient way, but it seems to work correctly).
To test it on large strings, you can run something like:
SELECT * FROM dbo.tfnSplitString(REPLICATE(CAST(‘,AB,CD,EFG,HI,MNZ,QR,UVW,YZ1′ AS nvarchar(max)), 6000), DEFAULT) ORDER BY WordPos;
(Note that my numbers table is called "Number" and the number column in it is "Num.")
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tfnSplitString] (
@StringToSplit NVARCHAR(MAX),
@Separator NCHAR(1) = N’,’
RETURNS @t TABLE (Word nvarchar(4000) NOT NULL, WordPos int not null, SepPos int not null) AS
slice nvarchar(4000) NOT NULL,
slicenum int NOT NULL)
DECLARE @slice nvarchar(4000),
@textpos int = 1,
@maxlen int = 4000-2,
@stoppos int,
@slicenum int = 0
WHILE datalength(@StringToSplit) / 2 – (@textpos – 1) >= @maxlen
SET @slice = substring(@StringToSplit, @textpos, @maxlen);
SET @stoppos = @maxlen –
charindex(@Separator COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2,
INSERT @slices (slice, slicenum)
VALUES (@Separator + left(@slice, @stoppos) + @Separator, @slicenum);
SET @textpos = @textpos – 1 + @stoppos + 2;
SET @slicenum +=1;
— On the other side of the comma.
INSERT @slices (slice, slicenum)
VALUES (@Separator + substring(@StringToSplit, @textpos, @maxlen) + @Separator, @slicenum);
WITH wordget (Word, SepPos) AS (
SELECT ltrim(rtrim(substring(s.slice, N.Num + 1,
charindex(@Separator COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2,
s.slice, N.Num + 1) –
N.Num – 1))),
charindex(@Separator COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2,
s.slice, N.Num + 1)+(slicenum*@maxlen)-1
FROM Number N
JOIN @slices s
ON N.Num <= len(s.slice) – 1
AND substring(s.slice, N.Num, 1) = @Separator COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2
INSERT @t (Word, WordPos, SepPos)
SELECT Word, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SepPos) AS WordPos, SepPos FROM wordget;
I made a one-off error (–not the first time):
replace "(slicenum*@maxlen)-1"
(the mistake only occurs once, or only the ‘zeroth’ time, depending on how you count.)
Sorry, recorrected (one hopes for the last time)–it wasn’t a one-off error, though it looked like it. (–also, there may be a more efficient approach to adding separator position.)
NOTE: assumes the existence of a numbers table called ‘Number’ with an integer primary key column ‘Num’ that has consecutive integers (requires 4,000).
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[tfnSplitString] (
@StringToSplit NVARCHAR(MAX),
@Separator NCHAR(1) = N’,’
RETURNS @t TABLE (Word nvarchar(4000) NOT NULL, WordPos int not null, SepPos int not null) AS
assumes the existence of a numbers table called ‘Number’ with an integer primary key column ‘Num’.
slice nvarchar(4000) NOT NULL,
RunningSliceLen int NOT NULL)
DECLARE @slice nvarchar(4000),
@textpos int = 1,
@maxlen int = 4000-2,
@stoppos int,
@RunningSliceLen int = -1
WHILE datalength(@StringToSplit) / 2 – (@textpos – 1) >= @maxlen
SET @slice = substring(@StringToSplit, @textpos, @maxlen);
SET @stoppos = @maxlen –
charindex(@Separator COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2,
INSERT @slices (slice, RunningSliceLen)
VALUES (@Separator + left(@slice, @stoppos) + @Separator, @RunningSliceLen);
SET @textpos = @textpos – 1 + @stoppos + 2;
SET @RunningSliceLen = @RunningSliceLen + DATALENGTH(@Separator + left(@slice, @stoppos))/2;
— On the other side of the comma.
INSERT @slices (slice, RunningSliceLen)
VALUES (@Separator + substring(@StringToSplit, @textpos, @maxlen) + @Separator, @RunningSliceLen);
WITH wordget (Word, SepPos) AS (
SELECT ltrim(rtrim(substring(s.slice, N.Num + 1,
charindex(@Separator COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2,
s.slice, N.Num + 1) –
N.Num – 1))),
charindex(@Separator COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2,
s.slice, N.Num+1)+(s.RunningSliceLen)
FROM Number N
JOIN @slices s
ON N.Num <= len(s.slice) – 1
AND substring(s.slice, N.Num, 1) = @Separator COLLATE Latin1_General_100_BIN2
INSERT @t (Word, WordPos, SepPos)
SELECT Word, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SepPos) AS WordPos, SepPos FROM wordget;
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